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PTSD Psychologist Adelaide

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Bloom Psychology & Yoga Therapy

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, can occur after someone has experienced a traumatic event. These events could range from physical or sexual assault to childhood trauma or even a motor vehicle accident. It often manifests as intense reactions to reminders of the event.

At Bloom Psychology and Yoga Therapy, we have an experienced and dedicated psychologist who is ready to put your needs first. If you have experienced a traumatic event, get the support you need today.

Post traumatic stress disorder
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Bloom psychology & yoga therapy

PTSD Symptoms

PTSD can present in several different ways. Many people experience panic attacks when reminded of the event. Likewise, they may struggle with chronic stress after the event and intense fear and anxiety. This often results in people feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope.

Other Symptoms Include:

Likewise, Acute stress disorder, ASD, can also present similar symptoms as PTSD. However, PTSD is a long-term condition while ASD often only lasts for a month or so after the event.

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EMDR Intensive Therapy and PTSD Treatment

EMDR Intensive Therapy is an approach to PTSD treatment that helps you process your traumatic experiences. It uses focused techniques, such as eye movement and other forms of bilateral stimulation, as you process traumatic events or experiences. By doing so it can help to reduce negative reactions and emotions associated with your trauma.

This can also positively impact other cognitive symptoms and intense triggers. Some Cognitive Behaviour Therapy techniques can also be used in tandem with this treatment, to help treat symptoms and behaviours.

With our EMDR Intensive Therapy programs, you can get the targeted treatment you need.

Find the right treatment for you and get the support you need today.

Our range of EMDR Intensive Therapy programs are focused on helping individuals achieve their personal mental health and well-being goals.

These tailored programs tackle concerns such as anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship concerns. To ensure consistent support, clients also receive resources throughout their journey—before, during, and after their intensive therapy experience.

We deliver both standard and intensive EMDR therapy for individuals across South Australia. For those unable to attend in person, we provide tailored Online Psychology Services.

Bloom Psychology & Yoga Therapy

PTSD and Mental Health

PTSD can have a severe impact on our mental health. Experiencing an intense and traumatic event can impact our thought processes negatively.

Dealing with PTSD on our own can leave us feeling isolated and struggling with day-to-day functioning. In turn, many people can seek out harmful coping strategies. This could result in excessive substance abuse and self-harming habits.

Without early support, it can further develop into dissociative disorders or anxiety disorders. If you have experienced trauma, our psychological service could help you get back on track.

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Bloom Psychology & Yoga Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder it is recommended that you seek professional support. Though a strong personal support system can help alleviate symptoms, speaking with a professional is the best way to treat PTSD.

Post-traumatic stress disorder can last for months, years or even a lifetime. How long it takes to treat PTSD is unique to each individual due to differences in severity, the therapy they seek, and the underlying causes.

While some people may find improvement after a few sessions, additional treatment episodes may be required.

The development of post-traumatic stress disorder is tied to a traumatic experience. It can be any kind of traumatic event that causes intense fear, and results in serious injury or psychological trauma.

Some examples could be experiencing domestic violence, sexual assault, a motor vehicle accident or surviving a natural disaster.

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Bloom Psychology & Yoga Therapy

Why Choose Us?

Years of Experience

Our dedicated psychologist has built up years of knowledge. Building practical experience treating different disorders and conditions personally. Benefit from our experience today.

Putting You First

We tailor all our treatments to suit your needs. Every person is unique and we want to offer support that puts you first.

Local Support

Our clinic is located outside Adelaide, supporting the southeastern suburbs. If you struggle with in-person sessions, we also provide online support.

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Bloom Psychology & Yoga Therapy

Find The Right Treatment For You

Living with post-traumatic stress disorder can be difficult on your own. With our dedicated psychologist, you can put your needs first.

If you’d like to learn more about trauma therapy or other conditions we treat, contact us today. Recovering from traumatic situations can be daunting but we are always ready to offer a helping hand.

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